Sunday, November 09, 2008


From Vienna, we went on to a neighbouring city of Bratislava, capital of Slovakia. It just took around an hour from Vienna to Bratislava by train.

Slovakia is not in the eurozone yet, and so we had to change currency in the station. Apparently, it is cheaper to withdraw directly from Euro account rather than getting from the currency exchange shop so we did just that.

The streets and piazza are similar to the Italian towns, however the signboards use local language. Prices are significantly cheaper on the town outskirt with and significantly inflated at the city center.
After going to the cathedral we stopped for lunch. Looking for some traditional dishes we ended up with potato noodle topped with goat cheese and a sparse decoration of meat. It turned out to be pretty good, although extra meat topping wouldn't hurt.

A major landmark in Bratislava would be the castle. It is located on a hilly part of the town. We went up, only to realise that the castle was closed due to construction work. The weather weren't very friendly as well at that time as it was raining a lot.

1 comment:

crossing the river said...

you look much younger...:)