Friday, March 02, 2007

Pisa: The Leaning Tower

Pisa is probably more famous and become tourist destination because of the leaning tower.

The tower is supposed to be a bell tower for the city cathedral. We were able to get on top of the tower through a spiral staircase within, for a limited time of half an hour only and saw the nice scenery from there.

Would it be better that the tower was straight instead of leaning? I thought of that, and see if I could push the tower back to normal. But then on second thought, the world already had so many straight towers. Let this one be lean then. So I stopped pushing.

But apart from the tower, the city of Pisa is really a small peaceful city in the middle of Italy.
Clear sky. Green grass. Vast view. Those things relaxes the mind.


Anonymous said...

So many serene places. So nice.

Anonymous said...

Hi Fer, sedikit info...based on the lesson i got when i was still in university (my major is architecture), Pisa wasn't built purposely to be straight. The fact is, when they build Pisa, they didn't count on the movement of earth's skin and the thickness of foundation needed to keep this building straight. So, years after years this tower become more and more slanted. What i heard last time is, to keep this tower from collapsing, they had strenghten the foundation in the area where its needed. It's quite interesting though. Perhaps someday they will have to attach some steel wiring to hold the tower. he he he....Keep on blogging yo! God bless you!