The retreat went as usual. Solid teaching. Great food. At some point, I felt that God revealed something in my heart that blocked me from seeking Him. It was bitterness. Bitterness towards God. I was surprised. I never thought of that.
As tears flowed down my cheek, my hand wrote down what I felt, almost without thinking. I resented God that He did not seem to care about certain areas of my life. Things that I felt I prayed hard enough but did not seem to have any answer. That made me think that if God did not help me I would take my life into my own hands and I didn't need God. That also lead to subconscious thought that reading the bible and prayer was useless, so it's very difficult to do them. Of course my mind disagreed with all these but my heart somehow believed.
It's only several months later that healing took place and I found the desire for God again but that's another story. However, this revelation showed me what my heart was really like. It's amazing how subtle issues, such as bitterness, could take root in the heart and easily choke our life.